DD15 High Altitude Operation

The engine will reduce horsepower as a function of altitude to protect critical engine components. Power reduction starts at approximately 8700 ft on power ratings greater than 500 hp. Altitude is determined by barometric pressure. A faulty barometric pressure sensor could start a premature power reduction. Check the sensor.‪

Baro (kPa)‪ Altitude (Ft)‪ Altitude (M)‪
100.01‪ 0‪ 0‪
99.4‪ 200‪ 61‪
98.7‪ 400‪ 121‪
98.0‪ 600‪ 182‪
97.4‪ 800‪ 242‪
96.7‪ 1000‪ 303‪
96.1‪ 1200‪ 364‪
95.4‪ 1400‪ 424‪
94.8‪ 1600‪ 485‪
94.2‪ 1800‪ 545‪
93.5‪ 2000‪ 606‪
92.9‪ 2200‪ 667‪
92.3‪ 2400‪ 727‪
91.6‪ 2600‪ 788‪
91.0‪ 2800‪ 848‪
90.4‪ 3000‪ 909‪
89.8‪ 3200‪ 970‪
89.1‪ 3400‪ 1030‪
88.5‪ 3600‪ 1091‪
87.9‪ 3800‪ 1152‪
87.3‪ 4000‪ 1212‪
86.7‪ 4200‪ 1273‪
86.1‪ 4400‪ 1333‪
85.5‪ 4600‪ 1394‪
84.9‪ 4800‪ 1455‪
84.3‪ 5000‪ 1515‪
83.7‪ 5200‪ 1576‪
83.1‪ 5400‪ 1636‪
82.5‪ 5600‪ 1697‪
81.9‪ 5800‪ 1758‪
81.3‪ 6000‪ 1818‪
80.7‪ 6200‪ 1879‪
80.1‪ 6400‪ 1939‪
79.5‪ 6600‪ 2000‪
79.0‪ 6800‪ 2061‪
78.4‪ 7000‪ 2121‪
77.8‪ 7200‪ 2182‪
77.2‪ 7400‪ 2242‪
76.7‪ 7600‪ 2303‪
76.1‪ 7800‪ 2364‪
75.5‪ 8000‪ 2424‪
75.0‪ 8200‪ 2485‪
74.4‪ 8400‪ 2545‪
73.8‪ 8600‪ 2606‪
73.3‪ 8800‪ 2667‪
72.7‪ 9000‪ 2727‪
72.2‪ 9200‪ 2788‪
71.6‪ 9400‪ 2848‪
71.1‪ 9600‪ 2909‪
70.6‪ 9800‪ 2970‪
70.0‪ 10000‪ 3030‪
69.5‪ 10200‪ 3091‪
68.9‪ 10400‪ 3152‪
68.4‪ 10600‪ 3212‪
67.9‪ 10800‪ 3273‪
67.3‪ 11000‪ 3333‪
66.8‪ 11200‪ 3394‪
66.3‪ 11400‪ 3455‪
65.8‪ 11600‪ 3515‪
65.2‪ 11800‪ 3576‪
64.7‪ 12000‪ 3636‪
64.2‪ 12200‪ 3697‪
63.7‪ 12400‪ 3758‪
63.2‪ 12600‪ 3818‪
62.7‪ 12800‪ 3879‪
62.2‪ 13000‪ 3939‪
61.7‪ 13200‪ 4000‪
61.2‪ 13400‪ 4061‪
60.7‪ 13600‪ 4121‪
60.2‪ 13800‪ 4182‪
59.7‪ 14000‪ 4242‪
59.2‪ 14200‪ 4303‪
58.7‪ 14400‪ 4364‪
58.2‪ 14600‪ 4424‪
57.7‪ 14800‪ 4485‪
57.3‪ 15000‪ 4545‪
56.8‪ 15200‪ 4606‪
56.3‪ 15400‪ 4667‪
55.8‪ 15600‪ 4727‪
55.4‪ 15800‪ 4788‪
54.9‪ 16000‪ 4848‪
Table 1. Barometric Pressure

If your vehicle is operating above sea level, a loss of power will be encountered, no further troubleshooting is required.‪

If your vehicle is operating at or below sea level and there is a lack of power, refer to “10.10 Power Verification With Chassis Dynamometer” .‪

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