Troubleshooting SID 230
The following procedures will troubleshoot SID 230.
230 05 – Idle Validation Switch Open Circuit Fault
Perform the following steps to troubleshoot an idle validation switch open circuit fault:
- Check for battery voltage at position “D,” wire 440V1, on the AP sensor connector. See Figure “Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic” .
1. Accelerator Pedal 3. 18-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC3) 2. 21-Pin DDEC-VCU Connector (VC1) Figure 1. Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic
- If voltage is present in wire 440V1, repair short to vehicle power in wire 440V1. Erase fault code memory.
- If no voltage is present in wire 440V1, go to step 2 .
- Check for battery voltage at position “F,” wire 440G, on the AP sensor connector. See Figure “Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic” .
- If voltage is present in wire 440G, repair short to ground in wire 440G. Erase fault code memory.
- If voltage is not present in wire 440G, go to step 3 .
- Check for continuity in wire 440G between pin “F” on the pedal sensor connector and pin 3 on the 18-pin wiring harness connector. See Figure “Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic” .
- If there is no continuity in wire 440G, repair open circuit in wire 440G. Erase fault code memory.
- If there is continuity in wire 440G, go to step 4 .
- Check for continuity in wire 440V1 between the pin “D” on the pedal sensor and pin 12 on the 18-pin wiring harness connector. See Figure “Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic” .
- If there is no continuity in wire 440V1, repair short circuit in wire 440V1. Erase fault code memory.
- If there is continuity in wire 440V1, replace the AP.
230 12– Idle Validation Switch Short to Ground Fault
Perform the following steps to troubleshoot an idle validation switch short to ground fault:
- Check wire 440V2 for short to ground. See Figure “Accelerator (Throttle) Pedal Wiring Schematic” .
- If wire 440V2 is shorted to ground, repair short to ground in wire 440V2. Erase fault code memory.
- If wire 440V2 is not shorted to ground, replace the AP. Erase fault code memory.