Series 60 Defective Turbocharger

To determine if a defective turbocharger is causing excessive exhaust smoke, perform the following: ‪

  1. Remove the turbocharger outlet line connected to the crankcase and place the drain line into a suitable container;
  2. Perform a crankcase pressure test.
    1. If the engine crankcase pressure is greater than 3 in. H 2 O (0.75 kPa), replace the turbocharger;
    2. If the engine crankcase pressure is 3 in. H 2 O (0.75 kPa), call the Detroit Diesel Technical Service Group.

Turbocharger Replacement

Perform the following steps to replace a defective turbocharger: ‪

  1. Remove defective turbocharger from the engine;
  2. Tag removed turbocharger for remanufacture.
  3. Install a new turbocharger to the engine;
  4. Verify replacement of new turbocharger;
Test Engine with Replaced Turbocharger

Perform the following steps to determine if a replaced turbocharger resolved the excessive exhaust smoke condition: ‪

  1. Start the engine.
  2. Run the engine speed to full load.
  3. Visually inspect the exhaust for excessive smoke.
    1. If the engine exhaust emission appears normal, no further troubleshooting is required. Shut down the engine.
    2. If the engine exhaust emission is excessive, shut down the engine. Call Detroit Diesel Technical Service Group.

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