The diagnostic condition is typically engine coolant temperature high.
System Checks to Resolve Fault
Check as follows:
1. Check for multiple codes.
[a] If fault 110/3 is active in addition to 110/0, refer to section 29.2.1.
[b] If fault 110/4 is active in addition to 110/0, refer to section 29.3.1.
[c] If fault 111/1 is active in addition to 110/0, refer to section 30.1.
[d] If only fault code 110/0 is active, go to step 2.
2. Check for coolant loss.
3. Check for blockage in radiator and charge air cooler.
4. Check fan belt condition (slippage).
5. Check for proper location of fan shroud.
6. Check for proper radiator hose condition (no collapsed hoses).
7. Check for proper viscous fan operation.
8. Once checks and repairs are finished, refer to section
Verify Repairs
Verify repairs as follows:
1. Turn ignition OFF.
2. Reconnect any electrical connections that were disconnected to perform the diagnosis.
3. Clear codes with DDDL 7.0 or latest version.
4. Start and bring engine up to operating temperature (over 140°F/60°C).
5. Verify operation is satisfactory and no warning lamps illuminate. If warning lamps
illuminate, troubleshoot the codes. If assistance is required, call the Detroit Diesel
Customer Support Center at 313–592–5800.